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M. Demir Erman
[Ankara, 1949]
Following his initial position as Rapporteur (1971) at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and the Ministry of Trade, Mr. Erman was assigned to the Turkish Embassy in the Hague, Holland as Turkey’s Deputy Commercial Counsellor (1976-79). He later served as Commercial Counsellor to the Turkish Embassy in Ottawa, Canada (1983-87) and Sydney, Australia (1997-2000).

He also acted as the Special Advisor to the Minister of Communication and Transportation and to the Minister of Finance and Customs respectively (1988-90) and while he was at the Prime Ministry Under-secretariat of Treasury and Foreign Trade he served as the Head of the Delegation for Textile Negotiations and Head of the Delegation for Countervailing Duty and Anti-Damping Negotiations. (1987-1988)

During the years 1990-1995 he was the Chairman and the Director General of the Turkish State Procurement Office (turnover US $ 250 million). Later, Vice President of the Prime Ministry Privatization Administration in charge of the World Bank projects (350 million dollars), and Turkish Telecom, and electric generation and distribution privatizations during 2001-2003.

He also held positions as the Chairman or Member of Board at ARÇELÄ°K (White Household Articles), ANTBÄ°RLÄ°K (Cotton Growers Assc.), DMO (Chairman of the Board and CEO- Turkish State Procurement Office), PETKÄ°M (Chemicals Industry), IGSAÅž (Fertilizer Ind.), EBK (State Meat Ind.), TEAÅž (Turkish Electricity Authority), Vice Chairman of the Board TÜPRAÅž (Petroleum Industry), Vice Chairman of the Board Albiyobir (Alternative Energy and Biodiesel Producers Union Association). Founder of Foreign Trade Members Assc., Turkish Executive Officers Assc., and DMO Personnel Assc.

Mr. Erman holds a BSc. Degree in Economics and Finance. Married with two children
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